Not knowing languages ​​is closing yourself off from the world, since at this moment we find ourselves at a point in history in which globalization tries to bring us closer, so acting differently would be going against the current.

Knowing a second language has then become a standard for today's global citizen, especially when 54% of average Europeans know at least 1 extra language, 24% 2 additional languages ​​and 15% 3 languages ​​apart from their native one according to a study by the European Commission.

That is why to open our panorama we need more than our native language, and that is where choosing a second, third or fourth language is a decision that will define our efforts in the coming months or years.

Studying French is a viable option to broaden our horizons, even if it is just to take a season soaking up the culture and universality in the city of light or a short vacation in the French countryside, the language is an essential requirement to be able to function better in a environment so different from ours.

It is not only France where we can apply our knowledge in the new language, since the countries that are considered French-speaking reach 29 nations with 11 dependencies, whose total population is close to 400 million inhabitants. Not knowing this language is ignoring a tenth of the world's population and closing yourself off to a tenth of what the world has to offer.

Another point in favor of learning languages ​​is the search for knowledge. French literature is a world of knowledge and beauty that we are depriving ourselves of by refusing to know this language. From the texts considered classics with Molière, Camus and Proust to the modern philosophy of Engels or the fantastic worlds of Dubois, a universe awaits us if we only know how to read it.

But literature is only a fraction of the arts to which we gain access when we know French, the best example of this is the Cannes festival in the Alpes-Maritimes region or the Louvre museum.

So don't hesitate any longer, because the ability to communicate opens doors to us anywhere in the world and provides a new facet, until now unknown to our eyes.