If you are preparing your trip to immigrate to Canada alone or with your family, you will probably have to take an official exam. Typically, candidates can take the DELF, TEFAQ or TCFQ. But which one is recommended? what is the difference between them?



If you are preparing your trip to emigrate to Canada alone or with your family, you will probably need to take an official French exam. Typically, candidates can take the DELF, TEFAQ or TCFQ. But which one is recommended? what is the difference between them?
First of all, it is important to keep in mind that the DELF exam is a lifelong test, which means that the result obtained will be for life, so it is essential that once we are ready, we take it and not risk doing it without the appropriate preparation. . This exam is graded out of 100 points as it is made up of 4 competencies that are worth 25 points each. (Written and oral production, written and oral expression). The exam is obtained with 50 points and from then on up to 100, obviously when taking it the objective is to have a high score and many times for Canada, they require us to get a minimum of 16 points in each competition. There will be those who say that it is easier to obtain because 4 different skills are weighted, but the problem arises if it is obtained with a minimum score such as 50 points. If this is the case, the candidate will have this grade for life and the only way to increase it will be by taking the next level, the delf exam is divided into LEVEL A1, A2, B1 and B2. Then follows the DALF which is more advanced and evaluates C1 and C2. Therefore, if I enroll at level B2 and obtain 51 points, the only way to raise this grade is by taking C1, which requires many more hours of learning French.

It is essential to prepare for the tests because depending on the country they are carried out 2 to 5 times a year and the result can take up to 2 months to arrive, so if we have 12 months to certify the level, it is better to assume that we only have 10 months for the process. You also have to find out the place where the test will be taken, the dates of registration and the tests themselves.

The TCFQ is not divided into levels but rather tells the candidate what level of language they have, whether A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2. That is to say, you don't win or lose, it only certifies our current level. It is valid for 2 years and the competitions can be presented separately. Normally for Canada they ask us for Oral Expression and Oral Comprehension. The oral expression test is made up of 3 specific and timed tasks for which I must prepare because there are many candidates who speak the language well but who, not knowing the exam, obtain a lower level. It is essential in this test to prepare for argumentation in French and to have an important lexical wealth.

The TEFAQ is an exam that also evaluates my current language level and also has separate competencies. It has only 2 tasks, the first 5 minutes and the second 10 minutes that evaluate the candidate for both a formal and informal registration in the language. Argumentation must also be used, but both proposed activities are role plays where the candidate has to play an important role in communication. In the first part, he must know how to ask certain questions and in the second, convince.

You can learn all this and more in our preparation workshop for the official French exams, the best, with certified teachers and international test correctors who will give you mocks of the real exam so that a diploma is not an impediment to fulfilling your dreams.
If you want more information, call us or write to us on WhatsApp +57 3102427646