When you start learning a foreign language, you work by levels. These levels have been created by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​or CECRL Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues. The objective is to define the topics to work on at each level, the skills to develop and the number of hours to do so.

The levels are: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. Level A is a beginner level, B is a more independent level and C is advanced. To immigrate to Canada and pursue higher education in France or a French-speaking country, we are normally required to have a B2 level. At this level, the student is able to communicate almost without problems in a context of immersion in the language, with native speakers and with sound interference. For example, when you want to immigrate to Canada, it is necessary to have this level to avoid communication problems and to make life easier for students who will work using the language all the time.

Each country and its Ministry of National Education define a number of hours per level and the European Framework stipulates an estimate that will depend on different factors. This number of hours varies depending on the nationality since studying French is not the same for a Colombian as it is for a Japanese, for example. Additionally, studying in a group is different from studying in personalized classes. The pedagogical model used also influences because in traditional education, the teacher spends many hours explaining the topics while in the flipped class, the pedagogical model used by onparle, class time is optimized by focusing on oral production and working on other skills at home.

We call competencies the linguistic skills used when learning a language. There are then Oral Production (speaking) and Written (writing), Oral Comprehension (listening) and Written (reading) and Mediation (translating).

Here you can find the estimated number of hours in a traditional class versus the number of hours used in classes with OnParle.

You might wonder, why is there so much difference between one and the other? Here we have the answers:

First of all, because in a group class the teacher must go at the pace of the majority, so each explanation takes much more time, in a personalized class, we go at the pace of a single student.

On the other hand, in traditional classes, the teacher speaks approximately half of the class and the rest of the time is dedicated to complementary activities, written and oral exercises, but in the latter, the spontaneous student always stands out, leaving no opportunity of participation to the most timid. Additionally, as they are traditional institutions, they sell the complete module (40 hours per module), meaning that if the content is finished before completing the number of hours sold, the teacher does complementary activities, which prevents him or her from advancing to the next module. In OnParle, we stipulate a number of hours at 16 per module.

Finally there is the pedagogical model, in traditional classes all skills are worked on in the classroom while in the flipped class, we work on the skills that require the teacher such as oral production, oral comprehension and specific explanations. This allows us to make the most of the interaction with the teacher so that our students start speaking French from the first class. Request your free demo and complete your B2 level in a short time. We have prepared hundreds of students 2 to 3 times faster than traditional group classes.

En Onparle you choose everything: the day, the schedule and the weekly intensity, therefore the availability you have for learning the French language will ultimately depend on how long it will take you to reach the desired level, that is:

If you dedicate 1 hour a day to live French classes from Monday to Friday, it will take you approximately 58 weeks = 14.5 months.

If you take 2 hours a day of live French classes from Monday to Friday, it will take you approximately 29 weeks = 7.2 months.

En Onparle We give you all the tools... certified teachers and correctors of live international tests through a specialized platform, pedagogical model focused on communication, interactive support content, video capsules, flexible schedules. Therefore, reaching any level depends on your time availability, the weekly intensity you choose and your commitment.