TCF exam for Quebec - TIPS-TCFQ-B2
TCF exam for Quebec - TIPS-TCFQ-B2

If you are preparing your trip to immigrate to Canada alone or with your family, you will probably need to take the TCF exam for Quebec. We have some tips and important information that will be very useful to you on the day of the Oral Expression test (Expression Orale).

  1. It is a recorded test that is corrected with an appreciative note in Colombia, by your evaluating teacher and the final level is assigned by the CIEP (International Center for Pedagogical Studies) in France.
  2. Use all your strategies to achieve a convincing tone because remember that the corrector who will certify your level will only listen to your voice. Speak loudly and clearly, do not speak too quickly and position yourself directing your voice towards the recorder so that the message you are transmitting arrives as it should.
  3. Show up early, candidates who arrive late are not accepted and your test will be cancelled.
  4. Turn off your cell phone, if it rings or vibrates during the test, you may be disqualified.
  5. For the third part of the exam, prepare your argumentative plan, do not forget your introduction, reasoned opinion and conclusion that, with the help of connectors, will make your presentation something structured that will allow you to demonstrate your level.


You can learn all this and more in our preparation workshop for the official French exams, the best, with certified teachers and international test correctors who will give you mocks of the real exam so that a diploma is not an impediment to fulfilling your dreams.

If you want more information, call us or write to us on WhatsApp +57 3102427646 with